Good Morning All & Happy St. Patrick’s Day (the wearing o’ the green)! With the implementation of observance of social distancing guidelines related to the coronavirus outbreak, it will be hard to display my St. Patrick’s Day attire, but rest assured, I’ll have some green included in my clothing selections for this day. May the…Read more
Month: March 2020
Thoughts For The Day From Papa ‘a
Good Afternoon All & Happy Sunday! Here’s to St. Patrick, that servant of God who drove out all of the snakes in Ireland many years ago! I also understand he was a compassionate leader in his church who cared for them and ministered to their needs. Someone we can all look up to, for sure…Read more
Thoughts For The Day From Papa ‘a
Good Morning All & Happy Friday! Well, this day kicked off with a great Barre Code session with my daughter Amy as the instructor. The class is called “Barre” and it’s a terrific way to start any day. Lots of stretching and low impact exercises that helps core strength and lower & upper body exercises. …Read more
Thoughts For The Day From Papa ‘a
Good Morning & Happy Monday on a beautiful, sunny late Winter day in Spokane. Can Spring be on its way??? Happy Birthday to friends Hwa & Kathy today. Two women who can brighten up anyone’s day, for sure! And here’s to former Soviet President Mikhall S. Gorbachev, who celebrates his 89th birthday today! Who can…Read more
Thoughts For The Day From Papa ‘a
Good Afternoon & Happy Sunday! Here’s to the first day of March! Where did February go??? Lots to celebrate today…our beloved Gonzaga Men’s & Women’s Basketball teams finished their regular seasons in fine fashion yesterday. Now it’s on to the West Coast Conference tournaments and then to March Madness. Let’s hope that they both go…Read more